
牙音響級尃業時尚耳機 Bluetooth HiFi Headphone

2019-1-23 13:58   792次瀏覽  信息編號︰2450

全新未用過牙音響級尃業耳機,時尚流線型新款。坊間少見。只樂視65吋4K超級3D電視附送的。號稱價值$888 的專業音響質素。充電可待機60天,連續聽播8小時。原盒包。因電視機配杜比影院系統,故耳機長期閒置冇用。可配用手機,平板睇片聽歌一流.
Brand new Bluetooth professional headphone. It was came with LeEco 3D 65' super TV. As it's claim that it perform professional HiFi quality for theater effect and worth $888. It will standby over 60 days and last 8 hours continue playing after a fully charged. It should be wonderful to work with any cellphone or tablet for entertainment.



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